Daft on Dumgoyne
Mountain Aid is pleased to support the "Friends of Dumgoyne" establish themselves with a special Hogmanay ascent of this iconic hill.
How do you intend to bring in New Year 2020 and start the new decade? Will you be heading for the city centre and jostling with festive crowds or do are you simply planning for a supper with some drinks at home with family and friends? Perhaps you are so jaundiced by the entire commercial scene, put off by dismal TV programmes, that you plan to go to bed at the first chance you get?
Yet "Friends of Dumgoyne" could offer those of you who are more energetic, something truly memorable as befits the new decade with the prospect of a 2020 vision that will remain forever in your memory.
The intention is for a small number of us, limited to 20, to set off around 11pm with the aim of arriving at the summit of Dumgoyne for midnight. Conditions permitting you will be at a superb viewpoint where you could see signs for miles around of New Year celebrations and fireworks, while nestling down for a brief snack. You will be back down by a less steep route for 1am.
Since people’s plans often fluctuate at that time of year, it is necessary for all persons wishing to join us on the night, to provide an advance commitment fee of £5, preferably in the form of a cheque made payable to Mountain Aid. The money will go to supporting “Friends of Dumgoyne”, one of whose aims is to find ways of improving the condition of the existing pathways on the hill.
You will realise that ascending Dumgoyne on a dark winter’s night is very different proposition from a family outing on a warm summer’s day. Since safety is at the ethos of Mountain Aid, we emphasise that only regular hillwalkers should apply and ask for a resume of age and experience to be sent to Alex Slimon using the enquiry form below.
We undertake to respond by e-mail to all applicants by 18 December advising on your inclusion and will provide you with a set of detailed instructions. Although this hill is a modest height, it is a serious undertaking at night and such an activity is clearly weather dependant. Should a decision be made to cancel on advice from Mountain Weather Information Service (MWIS) or Lomond Mountain Rescue, participants will be notified by e-mail by noon on 31 December with our apology. In such circumstances any cheques provided will be shredded or monies re-imbursed.
Acceptance implies a willingness to abide by our conditions which are summarised as :-
- Numbers limited to 20 split into groups of 4, each with a leader who is familiar with the hill, appointed to ensure the welfare of each group and their safe return by 1am.
- Each person must ensure they are warmly clad, wearing stout footwear and a high visibility outer jacket. A “stumble stick” such as a walking pole or ice axe is advocated to minimise slips and a small torch (+spare) is required to check footholds.